
The Wooded Witch is owned and operated by Marian, and this is her story.

From Disability to Empowerment

Marian grew up in Northwestern PA, where she currently lives, and faced a lot of mental health challenges. She felt her life was so much harder than everyone around her and couldn't understand why. In college her mental health got worse, and she entered into a long term toxic relationship that fell apart as her mental health continued to spiral and she was unable to hold down a job. At her lowest point she began therapy and moved back home to her parents farm.

As she sought treatment for mental health she was given several diagnoses of depression, generalized anxiety, ptsd, adhd, and borderline personality disorder. She was placed on medication and participated in an intensive out patient program. Eventually she was given disability.

Determined to get well and get off medication she focused on attaining Whole Being Wellness, without any idea what that would look like. This journey led her into spirituality, magic, mysticism, and self development. Step by step, one ritual, one mantra, one meditation, one affirmation, one class at a time she began to change her life. She studied under a number of mentors and programs and applied everything she learned. She began to trust herself and her gifts, she faced deeply rooted fears, she faced traumas and triggers, and took a deep dive into Shadow Work. She honed her skills and her gifts and discovered her purpose.

In July of 2022 Marian recieved her last disability payment after 5 years. She started a full time job and has held it down ever since. She gave birth to The Wooded Witch. She hand crafts beautiful, powerfully charged wands to aid others in their spiritual journey. Her Shadows of Life readings pinpoint the pain point that needs addressed in her clients to help them move forward with clarity and empowerment. She teaches and coaches from her own experiences of changing her life, and quickly identifies patterns of behaviors and belief that need addressed to live a more empowered and joyful life. Her class Alchemy of the Shadows takes students on a deep dive into their shadows and walks them through the process of alchemy, the same process Marian used for her own healing.

She loves helping people transform through the process of metamorphosis. She loves life and living and encourages everyone she meets to follow their dreams and believe in themselves. She writes poetry and spoken word, hosts a monthly open mic, paints, and hangs out with her son and 3 cats.